Inter-Active Visual Poetry (2000)
Premiered October 7, 2000
Santa Monica, Ca
‘Inter-Active Visual Poetry’ is an enchanting evening of painters, musicians, & dancers engaged in a unique setting. The artists are inspired by the lyricism of ‘Bharata Natyam’, classical dance of south India, music, spoken word and poetry. The event includes traditional dances and structured improvisation piece set to the poetry of noted American poet Dr Maya Angelou. Master painter from Bangalore, India, B.K.S.Varma, spoken word by Prem Kishore, Flute by Derf Reklaw, and visual display by Suresh Iyengar are the highlights. Featured dancers include Malathi Iyengar, Lakshmi Iyengar, & Ronald Burton.
Melded by the spoken word and poetry, the event also featured a post performance inter-active discussion with dance scholar Dr David Gere (UCLA) and art historian Dr Katherine Harper (Loyola Marymount University).
The event is presented by Rangoli Foundation as a part of Los Angeles County – Wide Arts Open House activities at the 18th Street Arts Complex in Santa Monica, California.
December 12, 2000, Bangalore, India. Shambhavi Dance Academy – Festival
Malathi Iyengar staged Inter-Active Visual Poetry along with the talented Kathak dancer, Murali Mohan and musicians